Monday, September 14, 2009

14th September 2009 (training for 16th and 18th september)

Attention cadets

Notice 1
1. There will be training on Wednesday 16th September 2009.
2. ALL Cadets are to fall-in IN THEIR PE ATTIRE at 2.45pm sharp outside the ISH (at the carpark) Training will end for all at 6.10pm.
Things to bring
Water bottle
PE attire

Notice 2
1. There will be training on Friday 18th September 2009
2. ALL CADETS are to report at the carpark outside the ISH in full-uniform at 2.45pm. (NCOs report to NPCC room at 2.30pm.) Training will end at 6.10pm for sec 1 and 2 cadets.
3. Attire for all is full-uniform and PT kit.

Things to bring
-water bottle
-notebook (sec 1-3)
-Full-uniform and PT-kit

Attendance is Compulsory for ALL trainings

*Please take personal responsibility to refer to the notice board frequently for updates of the next training and other announcements.

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